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Boulevard Trees – Questions and Answers

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At Qualico Communities Edmonton, we partner with our contractors to plant a variety of attractive deciduous trees in our communities to enhance the quality of life in your neighbourhood. Below, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about boulevard trees in your community.

Why are trees planted in front of my house, on medians, and in other locations in my community?

These trees are planted in accordance with the Community Planting plan prior to development. The boulevard is part of your Municipality’s road Right-of-Way (ROW) and may include:

  • The area between the property line and the sidewalk
  • The area between the sidewalk and the curb
  • The area separating roadway lanes, such as medians and islands
  • The green space adjacent to closed or gated roadways and laneways
  • The area within traffic circles and roundabouts

The residential boulevard is a shared public space and also contains underground utilities. The Municipality and other utility companies may require access to the boulevard to maintain utilities, repair or replace sidewalks, prune boulevard trees, or install street signs.

Trees will also be planted alongside shared public spaces such as multi-use trails, parks, ponds, and benches.

Can I trim the boulevard tree in front of my house?

Since the boulevards and medians are property of the Municipality, all trees growing on the boulevard belong to the Municipality as well. This prohibits actions such as:

  • Cutting, removing, moving or pruning City trees
  • Penetrating the bark or attaching any object or sign to City trees
  • Planting trees on City land
  • Spraying trees with any substance except water

If you notice that a boulevard tree is diseased or dying, please contact Qualico Communities Edmonton Customer Care at edmontoncommunities@qualico.com.

Can I add trees to my property?

You are more than welcome to add trees or shrubs within your property line. Before you dig or excavate in your yard, please contact Click Before You Dig to ensure you know the location of any underground utilities. Also, Municipal Bylaws require that all trees are planted outside of any ROWs. Please review your property plot plan for information about any ROWs on your property.

Why doesn’t my property have a boulevard tree?

Some boulevard sections are unable to receive trees due to utility conflicts. Because the boulevard serves as part of the Municipality’s road ROW, there are underground utilities that need to be kept clear to remain accessible for maintenance. In the case where a tree is unable to be planted due to an on-site conflict, the City or Municipality will determine how this is addressed.

As you can see, the placement of boulevard trees is carefully planned and they play an important role in enhancing your community’s natural surroundings and visual appeal. They are intended to create additional beauty and value for your community, for the present and in the future.

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